Legs beauty
Aesthetic Phlebology caters to all women who refuse to admit varicose veins or spider veins as inevitable.
Nearly 80% of consultations in Phlebology are motivated by aesthetic, sometimes coupled requests to other complaints: pain, swelling, sensation of heavy legs,… The first consultation strives to identify your expectations. It includes a full examination, a precise clinical examination and if necessary echo-doppler examination.
How do I remove my unsightly veins, my spider veins, my veins?
In order to obtain satisfactory and lasting results, it is essential to seek and eliminate all responsible for supply and drainage veins of your ‘vascular tasks ‘. This important step is that of the micro-sclerose.
The technique of micro-sclerose developed by Dr. Valerie Leduc combines synergistic ultra-finesse of needles and injection of a Sclerosing product combination. After each micro-injection, a massage based on essential oils (developed by Dr. Valerie Leduc) minimizes the risk of hematoma, allowing you to leave the Office without dressing or contention. A real innovation in the words of those who know!
Vascular laser provides the finishing touches to an optimal result.
The laser used by Dr. Vincent Lecocq is a nd: YAG long pulse generation. The micro-vaisseau will be destroyed by the heat generated by the laser beam when it is absorbed by hemoglobin. Coupled with a powerful ventilated cooling system, the laser remains very tolerable. The suites are simple: no hematoma, no crusts.
In experienced hands and the good indication, this laser has been compared by the patiens with a true “Eraser of ink”. In the vast majority of cases, 2 or 3 sessions are sufficient to find your beautiful legs. To “redeem dresses”, for “no longer be ashamed of your legs”. To reconsider your legs as an essential asset of seduction…
The great novelty lies in the fact that these aesthetic micro-sclerose and vascular laser treatment can be practiced year-round, since whereas no sunscreen is necessary after the sessions and can be treated safely tanned skin. A further reason to have nice legs for summer.
Obviously, these treatments can be completed at the Centre Skinpulse by the elimination of unwanted (dark) hair, the improvement of unsightly brown spots as well as stubborn cellulite.
Laser hair removal
Destroy selectively and specifically the hair bulb and its surrounding structures by heating effect using Photon, elementary particle of light.
Physiological reminder of the hair
Each hair has a clean cycle divided into three phases: anagen or growth; Telogen or resting; catagen or regression. The hair absorbs the laser light in growth phase, anagen, and to a lesser extent in phase teleogene. This is why we offer a minimum of four chained sessions, in principle once a month, in order to have a clinically visible and especially sustainable result.
Principle of the method and expected result
Damage hair, its root and surrounding structures rather than by electricity as traditionally but by laserlight, by selecting wavelength, the power and the time of impact. The emitted photons are transformed into heat on contact with the target, and is thermally damaged. It should be noted that these hair removal systems work especially in miniaturising the hair, i.e. by transforming a large black hair in a more fine animal hair or down light, almost invisible. A real destruction of the hair bulb is also but to a lesser extent. So, at the end of all sessions, it is normal to see some fine animal hair, rebel, persist. These hairs there, if they are still annoying, will be treated by electric hair removal later. The structure of the hair which absorbs light laser specifically is melanin. It gives the hair its color. Black and brown hair respond best to treatment. Brown hairs absorb less light and therefore require more sessions. Clear, red, blond and white hairs do not respond! We advise therefore not in this light therapy. In difficult situations, we will carry out a test on a small area first session in a covered area (armpit or bikini) in order to judge the reaction of your skin to the system that we propose to you.
Immediate expected effects
Not shaving and not hair removal wax, or electric, in the 3 weeks preceding the lasersession. Any form of anesthesia is necessary. However, small areas such as underarms and bikini can be partially anaesthetized using a type EMLA cream, applied at least an hour and a half before the session. The pain is bearable, as a slight burning sensation / tingling. This feeling may last for 2-3 hours. After a slight reddening of the skin associated with a small swelling around the treated hairs within 24 to 72 hours is normal.
Avoid absolutely
- You must to refrain from exposing the area to the Sun or ultraviolet rays (solarium) during the 4 weeks prior to the meeting and the following 4 weeks.
- If your skin is lightly tanned at the time of the meeting, we will have to use a special laser for pigmented/tanned skin. This causes an additional charge for the session and this laser is usually more painful. Attention, for the lasers, the application of self-Tanner is similar to tanning. To avoid therefore formally 4 weeks prior to any meeting.
- Please also avoid (or in any case absolutely inform us) any substances taken sensitizing the skin (photosensitising) light such as some antibiotics (quinolones e.g. Noroxine, Ciproxine) or some antidepressants and especially a plant called Milpertuis (in latin Hypericum or Ipericum) frequently found in ‘natural’ preparations
- Please strictly comply with the instructions that will be given regarding the intervals between sessions, mainly at the beginning of the treatment, the first 4 sessions. Indeed, a too long interval between sessions or an interruption of long duration between the two sessions can affect the final result.
Financial aspect
Hair removal is a matter exclusively aesthetic . No assurance that it either will not accept to support this type of treatment.
Pigmented lesions
These treatments are only cosmetic. No even supplementary health insurance accept the support. A specific quote will be communicated to you as soon as the first consultation (also aesthetic and therefore invoiced). We ask a settlement after each session. For more information about the awards, click here.
The purpose of the use of light is to selectively and specifically destroy the melanin pigment that is present either at the base of the epidermis or in the dermis, but most often in these two compartments. Diagnostics with benign brown spots on the skin are very numerous. Also a specialized dermatological examination is essential before any treatment of brown spot on the skin.
Using a specific wavelength that will be exclusively absorbed by melanin, the pigment color Brown, accumulated at the base of the epidermis or in the superficial DermIS, sometimes in special cells called melanocytes sometimes in fibroblasts.
Thanks to a time of very brief impact (between the mill and the billionth of a second) the beam of light is very specific to this excess melanin. It will practically destroy it without damage. The effect is either an explosion of particles of pigment (photoacoustic shock with Q-Switched lasers) or a specific thermal destruction by long-pulsed lasers.
Mainly, the Lentigo said solar, commonly known as age spots, localized mainly on the back of the hands and the face, because the pigment is superficial. Their origin is the mixture of the passing years associated with the hours of solar exposure (a repeated outdoor activity, gardening, promenade e.g. enough!).
Other indications as the hyperpigmentation of other etiologies (Becker Nevus, Ota, cafe-au-lait tasks, postinflammatory hyperpigmentation, etc.) can also be treated. These more rare indication are to discuss in particular. Note that the melasma (or chloasma) Although that part “benign brown spots” does well to treatment with light. We prefer him either microdermabrasion or chemical peels.
Intervention is practised at the doctor’s Office, without anaesthesia No. The duration of the meeting depends on the surface to be treated, from 5 to 30 minutes. The felt pain is roughly comparable to that of drops of oil from the frying pan when cooking a steak if a Q-switched laser is used. If using a laser long-pulsed a slight sensation of heat will be felt.
Two types of luminous technologies are currently used: Q-switched lasers, i.e. long laser – pulse (or PWS). Differences between these two systems will be explained to you in detail if necessary during the consultation.
With a Q-switched laser: the laser at the time of impact with the skin emits a characteristic click. Immediately after the meeting, you will see that the surface of the skin is white as snow. This is in fact the epidermis (outermost layer of the skin) that is “blown” by the crossing of the high energy laser beam. This white appearance lasts for a few minutes and six hours. Then, you’ll see small crusts, ranging from Brown to purple. These crusts fall in about a week on the face and two weeks on the back of the hands. According to the number and density of tasks, the number of sessions required is one to two for the Q-switched laser.
With a long-pulsed laser: there are no banging or immediate whitening of the skin. Only a redness in the treated area is the rule. 12 to 24 hours after the session, the treated spots can turn darker Brown, if the pigment is located superficially. Small crusts may form later but they are usually less than after a session of Q-Switched laser. Depending on the number and density of tasks, e number of sessions required is three to four for the long-pulsed laser or IPL.
It is not necessary to apply a special cream after the session. No dressing is necessary because the intervention does not bleed. The shower is allowed but not bath or the sauna and the swimming pool. Not practicing intense physical exercise within 24 hours following the meeting.
Be sure to snatch the crusts but to leave them alone. Makeup by powder or Foundation is possible after 36 to 48 hours, when formed crusts are solid. Once scabs have spontaneously disappeared, you will see that the pigment is always visible. This is perfectly normal as to leave time for your internal road system clean fragmented pigment. A light pink colour is also normal for 4 to 8 weeks after treatment.
Strictly avoid any solar exposure in any form whatsoever (natural or UV in the cabin) at least two weeks before and up to two months after the intervention. Always apply a total screen (e.g. Anthelios 50 + fluid Extreme of Roche Posay) If you have an outdoor activity, in both summer and winter.
Avoid snatch small scabs that form after the session.
“Avoid (or in any case absolutely inform us) taking any substance awareness (photosensitising) light as certain antibiotics or antidepressants skin and especially a plant called Milpertuis (in latin Hypericum) frequently found in”natural”preparations.”
Body shaping
The English term “Body Shaping” includes all techniques of remodelling of the silhouette to improve cellulite, or too much fat zone, or both at once.
This area is constantly evolving.
Currently, Body Shaping includes 2 types of methods:
- lasers methods non-surgical, non-invasive so (VelaShape, Acoustic Wave Therapy, Radio frequency Freeze, Coolsculpting)
- minimally-invasive methods ( Laserlipolysis)
- Hydrafacial®
- Coolsculpting®
- Ablative or sanding
- Vascular lesions
- Photorejuvenation
- Soft lifting by absorbable tensor threads
- Restructuring of the facial volumes
- Laser hair removal
- Pigmented lesions
- Tattoo removal
- Injectable products
- Body shaping
- Peelings
- Improvement of stretch marks
- Improvement of scars
- Rosacea
- Legs beauty
- PRP or plasma rich platelets
- Profhilo®
- Prices
- Hydrafacial®
- Coolsculpting®
- Ablative or sanding
- Vascular lesions
- Photorejuvenation
- Soft lifting by absorbable tensor threads
- Restructuring of the facial volumes
- Laser hair removal
- Pigmented lesions
- Tattoo removal
- Injectable products
- Body shaping
- Peelings
- Improvement of stretch marks
- Improvement of scars
- Rosacea
- Legs beauty
- PRP or plasma rich platelets
- Profhilo®
- Prices